Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Design and Implementation Novice Researchers MyAssignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about the Study Design and Implementation for Novice Researchers. Answer: Introduction: The quantitative and qualitative research or statistical analysis is very useful in the different organizations or industries. The quantitative analysis plays an important role in the process of decision making. We need to use different tools and techniques of statistical analysis for the study of different variables included in the research study. Here, we have to analyse the data which is generated from the small sample survey. We need to use the different techniques for the analysis of the survey data for qualitative and quantitative variables. Here, we have to see how to analyse the data for the survey regarding the staff bullying at telecommunication company Telstra. We have to use descriptive statistics, graphical analysis and inferential statistics for the analysis of the survey data. We would use the descriptive statistics for getting the idea about nature and spread of the variables under study. The graphical analysis is easy to understand the comparison and nature of the va riables. Inferential statistics or testing of hypothesis is very important in checking different claims or hypotheses. Telstra is considered as one of the best telecommunication companies in Australia. The company provides information and communication services to the people at large extent. If the data has been considered, the company serves the customers with 9.6 million fixed line services and 9.3 million mobile services (Telstra, 2017). Amongst them 3.3 million services are 3G services. The company not only provides basic services to the Australian businesses and homes but also provides service of local distance and international call from and to Australia. The internet services of the company are provided with the brand name of Big Pond. The company is not only in the business of telecom but also caters the customers with the services of television cable and subscription of FOXTEL. Telstra has some of the competitive advantages over other companies in Australia. The biggest advantage of the company is its wealth and size. This suggests that it is very tough for the competitors to compete with Telstra by covering the Australia with such large wireless communication coverage. The corporate responsibilities of the company are to provide the good jobs and the wages to the employees so that they can retain in the organization. Research Hypotheses: It is important to establish the research hypotheses for any research study. The established hypotheses provide us the proper direction and guidelines for the further quantitative or statistical analysis. For this quantitative research study, the research hypotheses are summarized as below: Is the relationship with seniors independent from the incidents of staff bullying? Is there any significant difference in the average frequency of bullying with male and female employees? Is the incidents of staff bullying is associated with the extra work load in the organization? We want to check whether the relationship with seniors affects the incidents of staff bullying or not. Sometimes, it may be possible if the relationship with seniors is not well, then the circumstances of staff bullying will be possible. If the relationship of the staff members or employees is good with their seniors then the incidents of the staff bullying may be reduce. Also, we want to check whether there is any significant difference in the average frequency of the staff bullying for the male and female members or not. It may be possible that there would be significant difference due gender of the person. Sometimes there is a more work load in the industries or an organization, and this increased work load may be a cause of staff bullying. We have to study these facts with the help of small sample survey. Let us see the quantitative research plan for this study in detail. For this research study, we will collect the data for the variables regarding the staff bullying. For the primary initial information of the respondents in the sample survey, we will collect information for the variables such as gender, age, education, socio-economic class, etc. For the research questions under study, we will include the variables regarding the staff bullying. The related variables would be frequency of incidents of staff bullying, relationship with seniors, senior behaviour scale, work load frequency, etc. Also, we will include some more variables which would be associated with the research study. The process of data collection is very important for analysis of the different facts under study. For this research study, we will organize the small sample survey. For this research study, we will collect the data by using the well prepared questionnaire. The targeted subjects for this sample survey would be management persons, staff members and other related persons in the industry or an organization. The questionnaire prepared for this sample survey would be easy to understand and each question will provide the sufficient alternatives for answering or responding the questions. We will convey staff members and other members in the organization for providing the responses for the questions in the questionnaire. We will use the likert scale for most of the questions in the questionnaire. The likert scale is useful for responding the questions in an easy way. We will try to all types of biases during the process of data collection. Also, we will try to collect the responses for more r espondents. We know if the sample size is too less, there is a possibility of getting biased estimates for the survey results. It is important to take proper care during the process of data collection. Also, there would be a problem of non responses for some problems. Sometimes staff members would not provide the proper responses if the staff member is busy with some other tasks or activity, so selection of proper time for data collection is very important. The process of data collection should avoid any type of wrong entries which may affect the results. For this sample survey we will try to collect the data for more than 50 persons. There would be some limitations for collection of data in large proportion. Quantitative Research Plan: For the study of staff bullying, we need to analyse the responses collected from the staff members and other related personnel. At the first stage, we will analyse the data for descriptive statistics. We will produce the frequency distribution tables for different variables included in the research study. These frequency distributions will help us in understanding the nature of distribution of the responses for different variables. Also, we will find out the descriptive statistics such as mean, mode, median, etc. for the quantitative variables. The descriptive statistics gives general idea about the nature and spread of the variable. Also, we will use the graphical analysis for the different variables. We will use the histograms, bar diagrams, box plots and scatter plots for the variables related to the staff bullying. We will use the inferential statistics or testing of hypothesis for checking different claims associated with staff bullying. For checking the independence of the two categorical variables such as incidents of staff bullying and relationship with the senior management, we will use the chi square test of independence for two categorical variables. We will use the observed frequencies from the collected data and we will calculate the expected frequencies for the cross tabulation of these two variables. We will make decision based on the chi square critical value or p-value for this test. For checking the significant difference in the average frequency of bullying with male and female staff members, we will use the two sample t test or independent samples t test for the population mean. We can also use Wilcoxon rank sum test for the same scenario for checking this hypothesis. Proper selection of the statistical test is very important for drawing the proper results for the research study. If the proper test is not used for checking the claim or hypothesis established for this research study, we will not get satisfactory or reliable results. For check ing the association between the incidents of staff bullying and the load of extra work, we will use Chi square test for association between two variables. We will avoid using Pearson correlation coefficient as we use the likert scale or ordinal scale for the variables included in the research study. We use the Pearson correlation coefficient if we use the ratio scale of measurements. After using these statistical tests, we will make the proper decisions for each test and find out the conclusion for the hypotheses established for this research study. Discussion and Expected Results: For this research study, we would expect the relationship between the two categorical variables such as relationship with senior management and the incidents of staff bullying with the members in the organization. In the general sense, it was observed in so many studies that the scale of staff bullying is reduced if the relationship and working environment within organization is enough good and it is helpful in increasing the productivity. Also, we will expect the significant difference in the average frequency of staff bullying incidents for the male and female members or employees. Also, we would expect the association between the incidents of the staff bullying and the extra work load in the organization. The extra work load may affect the efficiency of the workers or staff members and it would be responsible for relationship between the senior management staff and other staff members. The results for this research study would be limited for the organization or industry from where we collect the data and we cannot generalize these results as there would be significant difference in the work environments of the different organizations. Also, we use the small sample size for this research study and thats why the results for this study would not be more reliable for generalization of the results. References: ABC News. (2007,June 18).Telstra bullying employees, former staffer says. Retrieved from https://www.abc.net.au/news/2007-06-18/telstra-bullying-employees-former-staffer-says/71366 Bartlett, J. E., Bartlett, M. E. (2011). Workplace bullying: An integrative literature review.Advances in Developing Human Resources,13(1), 69-84. Baxter, P., Jack, S. (2008). Qualitative case study methodology: Study design and implementation for novice researchers.The qualitative report,13(4), 544-559. Beale, D., Hoel, H. (2011). Workplace bullying and the employment relationship: exploring questions of prevention, control and context.Work, employment and society,25(1), 5-18. Caponecchia, C., Wyatt, A. (2011).Preventing workplace bullying.Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, London.
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